Friday, November 25, 2011

10 Tips To Get The Wardrobe You Want

As my days of living in the U.S were coming to an end, I could not help but over-indulge in one of the fun activities this wonderful country has to offer – shopping. Even when you think that there is absolutely nothing you could possibly add to your closet, the wonders of American shopping malls, discount stores and online shopping websites will convince you about the contrary. It is a beautiful jungle of fashionable stuff out there with traps waiting to catch every passing-by fashionista. However, that is why it is so important to think twice so you don’t waste your money and end up with useless stuff cluttering your closet. 

1.Think quality not quantity.
2.Don’t buy the same thing over and over again.
3.Think about your style and not just whether you like a certain item.
4.Avoid certain brands that have disappointed you multiple times before.
5.Ask yourself whether you want to wear it next day.
6.Think about your age (If you can wait till you are 50 years old to buy it, do it ;)
7.Leave the store if you are not sure. (You can always come back.)
8.Narrow down your pics. (Leave some stuff in the store and get only couple of the best items.)
9.Better dressy than casual. (It’s no faux pais to show up somewhere in the same sweatpants twice.)
10. Ask for advice.  (Read dem online reviews.)

Hello from Praha

Dear friends, I know I have been MIA here, on the blog, lately :(. Since living the continental life in Prague and etc., I have to admit, fashion took rather an unimportant place in my life. Unfortunately, street style is terrible here in Prague and people for all the partying are too busy to think about what’s in style or not. Most of the shops suck and’s a different world out here. But, I will do my best to get back on track ;)
Shopping at Zara in Prague (The only reasonable store here)