Thursday, April 28, 2011

Orange and Leopard alla Lindsay

What an interesting combo! What do you think?
(Btw, leopard print flats are from Topshop - at the moment sold out, of course ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Best Accessory: Rebel Lipstick by Mac

Back from my vacation, relaxed and tan (Yes Juli, even with SPF 50 I managed to get a bit color ;-)), I was challenged to figure out how to add some color to my birthday outfit. Since I was turning thirty, I figured I might as well take an advantage of the impending old age and run to the mall to figure out if I could pull off wearing a bright pink lipstick (I tried doing that about a decade ago without any success). I knew the color had to be something between red and pink, bold but without being too vampy looking. Sales people in Mac didn't have any  good recommendations, so I had to "roll up my sleeves" and do the dirty work myself. And this is what I came up with:

Rebel Lipstick, Mac, $14.50
This lipstick is an amazing shade to brighten up your skin tone and to perfectly accessorize any outfit that needs a little splash of color.

 (On the right; Alice and Olivia Velvet Tabitha Dress, Vince Camuto Heels)